Sometimes you have to settle for pictures of cats rather than real ones. These cat mugs caught my eye on my way home last night; the cats have names (a la RTF) and are captioned. This one says, "My whole family's big-boned".
Also, in Williamsburg near LL's current but almost former house, this kitty caught my eye. Perhaps this is Justin Broadbent's home, or LL's theory is that the cat died, but the owners still wanted to see a friendly face in the window.
I've totally thought of putting a pic of a cat in my window if I ever lacked a cat!
It could mean something like those "block parent" stickers -- did you have those where you grew up?? People would put them in their windows, they meant that, if you were a lost little kid it was safe to go into that house. No idea how they vetted people.
Maybe a kitty in the window is a sign for lost cats, it's safe to go there.
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