Monday, July 7, 2008

Cat in the Cradle.

This is a cat that i see very often. It belongs to a house that doesn't have screens of its windows which allows the playful cat to protrude it's body out of the second floor windows. Although it seems like the cat is always about to jump to make a great escape, it never does. Perhaps it realizes it likes where it comes from. If this cat had a name it would be Fern. Then people could also call it Fern Gully, Fern-iture and Fern-ace. And people would like this cat.


ButterPeanut said...

cute! I want one just like that.

hey, can you make me a user? i've got some eurokitties to show.

RTF said...

Woo hoo, Eurokitties. I sent an invite to butterpeanut.


RTF said...

Charley, I love this picture. So cute!

Rachel said...

Okay, it most definitely looks like the window's coming down on her. Fern my love!